Dictionnaire critique de l'ésotérisme
Livre imprimé - Servier Jean, impr. 1998
Biology and epistemology
Livre imprimé - Creath Richard, Maienschein Jane, 2000
The Formation of vegetable mould, throught the action of worms, with observations on their habits
Livre imprimé - Darwin Charles, 1969
21 éléphants sur le pont de Brooklyn
Livre imprimé - Prince April Jones, Roca François, 2006
1883 à New York, les travaux du pont de Brooklyn, viennent de prendre fin. Les New-Yorkais doutent de la solidité des nouvelles technologies de construction mises en oe...
Seventh centenary of the teaching of astronomy in Bologna, 1297-1997 : proceedings of the meeting held in Bologna at the Accademia delle scienze on June 21, 1997
Livre imprimé - Bartolomeo da Parma, Battistini Pierluigi, Biblioteca nazionale centrale, Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna, 2001
Astronomy across cultures : the history of non-Western astronomy
Livre imprimé - Selin Helaine, Xiaochun Sun, c2000