Space, time, and creation : philosophical aspects of scientific cosmology
Livre imprimé - Munitz Milton Karl, cop. 1981
The timetables of technology : a chronology of the most important people and events in the history of technology
Livre imprimé - Bunch Bryan, Hellemans Alexander, 1993
Champignons des bois et des prés
Livre imprimé - Bustarret Nicole, 2003
Marie Curie : portrait intime d'une femme d'exception
Livre imprimé - Goldsmith Barbara, Bouquet Evelyne, Bouquet Alain, DL 2006
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte : Organ der Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Revue imprimée - Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
The agricultural history review : a journal of agricultural and rural history
Revue imprimée - British Agricultural History Society