Aspirations and anxieties : New England workers and the mechanized factory system, 1815-1850
Livre imprimé - Zonderman David A, 1992
The Tenth dimension : an informal history of high energy physics
Livre imprimé - Bernstein Jeremy, cop. 1989
L'étude expérimentale de l'intelligence
Livre imprimé - Binet Alfred, La Garanderie Antoine de, Andrieu Bernard, 2001
Social Darwinism in European and American thought, 1860-1945 : nature as model and nature as threat
Livre imprimé - Hawkins Mike, 1997
Lucrèce, atomes, mouvement : physique et éthique
Livre imprimé - Gigandet Alain, impr. 2001, cop. 2001
Histoire et dictionnaire de Paris
Livre imprimé - Fierro Alfred, cop. 1996