Nature kowledge and virtue : essays in memory of Joan Kung
Livre imprimé - Penner Terry, Kraut Richard, 1991
Discours, parcours et Freud : analyse existentielle, psychiatrie clinique et psychanalyse
Livre imprimé - Binswanger Ludwig, Fedida Pierre, Lewinter Roger, 1970
Recognizing the autonomy of nature : theory and practice
Livre imprimé - Heyd Thomas, cop. 2005
The authors begin by exploring what is meant by "nature," in what sense it can be seen as autonomous, and what respect for the autonomy of nature might entail. They exa...
La charte d'Athènes : suivi de Entretien avec les étudiants des écoles d'architecture
Livre imprimé - Le Corbusier, Giraudoux Jean, DL 1971, cop. 1957
The first Latin translation of Euclid's "Elements" commonly ascribed to Adelard of Bath : books I-VIII and books X.36-XV.2
Livre imprimé - Euclide, Adélard de Bath, Busard Hubert Lambert Ludovic, cop. 1983
Trucking and the public interest : the emergence of federal regulation, 1914-1940
Livre imprimé - Childs William R., 1985