Memoirs of an unrepentant field geologist : a candid profile of some geologists and their science, 1921-1981
Livre imprimé - Pettijohn Francis John, 1984
Form and strategy in science : studies dedicated to Joseph Henry Woodger on the occasion of his seventieth birthday
Livre imprimé - Gregg John R., 1964
History of Physiology : proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Physilogical Sciences, Budapest, 13-19 Juillet 1980.
Livre imprimé - Congrès international de physiologie, 1981
Scientific books, libraries and collectors : a study of bibliography and the book trade in relation to science
Livre imprimé - Thornton John Leonard, Tully R. I. J., 1962
Scientific memoirs : selected from the transactions of foreign Academies of Science and from foreign journals : natural philosophy
Livre imprimé - Tyndall John, Francis William, 1966
Dictionnaire agro-alimentaire : français-anglais, anglais-français . = Dictionary of food science and industry : French-English, English-French
Livre imprimé - Adrian Jean, Adrian Nicole, DL 2006, cop. 2006