Monographie des Fringilles (Carduelinés) : histoire naturelle et photographies . Volume 2
Livre imprimé - Ottaviani Michel, Fouarge Jules, DL 2011
Manuel de tolérancement . Volume 5 . Métrologie avec les normes ISO
Livre imprimé - Anselmetti Bernard, impr. 2011
Joseph Priestley, scientist, philosopher, and theologian
Livre imprimé - Rivers Isabel, Wykes David L., 2008
The history of geomorphology : from Hutton to Hack
Livre imprimé - Tinkler Keith J., Binghamton geomorphology symposium, cop. 1989
Science between Europe and Asia : historical studies on the transmission, adoption and adaptation of knowledge
Livre imprimé - Günergun Feza, Raina Dhruv, 2011
This book explores the various historical and cultural aspects of scientific, medical and technical exchanges that occurred between central Europe and Asia. A number of...
Quantum theory at the crossroads : reconsidering the 1927 Solvay Conference
Livre imprimé - Bacciagaluppi Guido, Valentini Antony, 2009
The 1927 Solvay conference was perhaps the most important in the history of quantum theory. Contrary to popular belief, questions of interpretation were not settled at ...