God's clockmaker : Richard of Wallingford and the invention of time
Livre imprimé - North John David, cop. 2005
From physico-theology to bio-technology : essays in the social and cultural history of biosciences : a Festschrift for Mikulas Teich
Livre imprimé - Porter Roy, Bayertz Kurt, 1998
Death is a social disease : Public health and political economy in early industrial France
Livre imprimé - Coleman William, 1982
PSA 1974 : proceedings of the 1974 biennial meeting, Philosophy of Science Association
Livre imprimé - Cohen Robert Sonné, Philosophy of science association, c1976
L'individualisation des apprentissages et de la formation : synthèse du premier programme national d'innovation
Livre imprimé - France Direction de l'enseignement scolaire, 1998
L'Opera de la lune
Livre imprimé - Prévert Jacques, 1974