87116 Résultats trouvés

Peiresc ou la passion de connaître : colloque de Carpentras, novembre 1987

Livre imprimé - Reinbold Anne, Costabel Pierre, 1990

Patterns of change : linguistic innovations in the development of classical mathematics

Livre imprimé - KVasz Ladislav, cop. 2008
This book offers a reconstruction of linguistic innovations in the history of mathematics; innovations which changed the ways in which mathematics was done, understood ...

Capitalism and arithmetic : the new math of the 15th century, including the full text of the Treviso arithmetic of 1478, translated by David Eugene Smith

Livre imprimé - Swetz Frank J., Smith David Eugene, 1987
mathematics15th centuryarithmeticmathematiques15e sieclearithmetiquehistoire des mathematiques

Perspectives pour une géobiologie des montagnes

Livre imprimé - Ozenda Paul, impr. 2002
ecologie des montagnesmountain ecologymontagneecologievegetationbiogeographie vegetale

Annuaire de l'alternance, de l'apprentissage et de la professionnalisation

Livre imprimé, 2012
formation professionnelleformation en alternance
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