Mind in a physical world : an essay on the mind-body problem and mental causation
Livre imprimé - Kim Jaegwon, 1998
Museology for tomorrow's world : proceedings of the international symposium, held at Masaryk University, Brno, Oct. 9-11, 1996
Livre imprimé - Stransky Zbynek Z., 1997
The Time museum catalogue of chronometers
Livre imprimé - Randall Anthony G., Chandler Bruce, 1992
Carnet de leçons de choses
Livre imprimé - Novarino Albine, impr. 2008
Le Comment du pourquoi : l'encyclopédie visuelle de Libération
Livre imprimé - Leglu Dominique, c1994
Enrico Fermi: physicist
Livre imprimé - Segrè Emilio, [1970]