87263 Résultats trouvés

Standards for touring exhibitions

Livre imprimé - Grande Bretagne Museums and Galleries Commission, 1995

Le grand livre des QCM de culture générale

Livre imprimé - Catsaros Catherina, 2002

Letters of Edward Jenner and other documents concerning the early history of vaccination : from the Henry Barton Jacobs collection in the William H. Welch Medical Library

Livre imprimé - Jenner Edward, Miller Genevière, Lefanu William R, cop. 1983

The astronomy of Levi ben Gerson (1288-1344) : a critical edition of chapters 1-20 with translation and commentary

Livre imprimé - Levi ben Gerson, Goldstein Bernard Raphael, cop. 1985
astronomyastronomy, jewishastronomie medievaleastronomiecivilisation hebraique

The one culture? : a conversation about science

Livre imprimé - Labinger Jay A., Collins Harry M., c2001
sciencescience and statesociologie des sciencessociologie de la connaissance scientifiqueconstructivismetechnique et politiqueetats-unis

The social history of the machine gun

Livre imprimé - Ellis John, 1986, c1975
machine-gunsmilitary history, modern19th century20th centurywar and societysociology, militaryarme a feuhistoire
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