Military enterprise and technological change : perspectives on the American experience
Livre imprimé - Smith Merritt Roe, cop. 1985
Memoirs of an unrepentant field geologist : a candid profile of some geologists and their science, 1921-1981
Livre imprimé - Pettijohn Francis John, 1984
La valeur de l'exemple : perspectives chinoises
Livre imprimé - Chemla Karine, c1997
TCP/IP : administration de réseau
Livre imprimé - Hunt Craig, 1998
Métrologie générale : théorie de la mesure ; les instruments et leur emploi
Livre imprimé - Bassière Marc, Gaignebet Emile, 1966
American surgical instruments : an illustrated history of their manufacture and a directory of instrument makers to 1900
Livre imprimé - Edmonson James M., 1997