The Herschel partnership as viewed by Caroline
Livre imprimé - Hoskin Michael Anthony, 2003
Science as a questioning process
Livre imprimé - Sanitt Nigel, cop. 1996
Women in chemistry : their changing roles from alchemical times to the mid-twentieth century
Livre imprimé - Rayner-Canham Marelene F., Rayner-Canham Geoffrey, 1998
Démocrite, Epicure, Lucrèce : la vérité du minuscule
Livre imprimé - Salem Jean, impr. 1998
The enigma of sunspots : a story of discovery and scientific revolution
Livre imprimé - Brody Judit, 2002
Les fondements de l'action didactique
Livre imprimé - De Corte Erik, De Landsheere Gilbert, Bonboir Anna, 1990