Styles of scientific thinking in the european tradition : the history of argument and explanation especially in the mathematical and biomedical sciences and arts
Printed book - Crombie Alistair Cameron, 1994
Science and scientism in nineteenth-century Europe
Printed book - Olson Richard George, c2008
... Richard G. Olson's Science and Scientism in Nineteenth-Century Europe provides an integrated account of the history of science and its impact on intellectual and so...
Science and polity in France : the revolutionary and Napoleonic years
Printed book - Gillispie Charles Coulston, cop. 2004
Texts and contexts in ancient and medieval science : studies on the occasion of John E. Murdoch's seventieth birthday
Printed book - Sylla Edith Dudley, McVaugh Michael Rogers, 1997
The science studies reader
Printed book - Biagioli Mario, 1999
Découvrir les sciences en s'amusant
Printed book - Asari Yoshitoo, Ochiai Tarō, DL 2006
Des micro-organismes surdoués. Fabriquer un vêtement avec du lait ! Le produit qui rend intelligent ! Le produit miracle contre les caries ! Le robot du futur sera un s...