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Révolutions de la science et permanence du réel

Printed book - Scheurer Paul, impr. 1979
realiteepistemologierealitysciencesciencesphilosophie des sciences

Enaction : toward a new paradigm for cognitive science

Printed book - Stewart John Robert, Gapenne Olivier, Di Paolo Ezequiel A., Association pour la recherche cognitive, École d'été du CNRS sur les sciences cognitives, cop. 2010
Contributions de Renaud Barbaras, Didier Bottineau, Giovanna Colombetti, Diego Cosmelli, Hanne De Jaegher, Ezequiel A. Di Paolo. Andreas K. Engel, Olivier Gapenne, Véro...

The Paradigm dialog : [actes

Printed book - Guba Egon G, Alternatives paradigms Conference, Cal
paradigmes (sciences sociales)sciences socialesparadigme (sciences sociales)

Einstein, history, and other passions

Printed book - Holton Gerald James, c1995
sciencephysicistssciencesphysiciensscience et societehistoire

Defining science : a rhetoric of demarcation

Printed book - Taylor Charles Alan, c1996
sciencesciencessociologie des sciencesdiscours scientifiqueepistemologie

Science and hypothesis : historical essays on scientific methodology

Printed book - Laudan Larry, cop. 1981
sciencessciencescience et litteraturehistoiregrande-bretagne
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