Natural magick
Printed book - Porta Giambattista della, c1957
Can theories be refuted? : essays on the Duhem-Quine thesis
Printed book - Harding Sandra G, cop. 1976
Sexe machin : quand la science explore la sexualité
Printed book - Launet Édouard, impr. 2007
Quand la science s'intéresse au sexe, les sujets et les réponses sont souvent inattendus, voire comiques. Démonstration à travers des programmes de recherche et des ane...
Science and technology in history
Printed book - Inkster Ian, 1991
Theories and models in scientific processes : proceedings of AFOS '94 Workshop, August 15-26, Mądralin and IUHPS '94 Conference, August 27-29, Warszawa
Printed book - Herfel William E., AFOS Workshop, IUHPS Conference, 1995
A bibliography of the philosophy of science, 1945-1981
Printed book - Blackwell Richard J, 1983