Dictionary of the history of science
Printed book - Browne Janet, Porter Roy, Bynum William F., cop. 1981
La philosophie des sciences
Printed book - Lecourt Dominique, impr. 2006
Auteur fécond, directeur de plusieurs collections, organisateur et enseignant actif, Dominique Lecourt marquera de son empreinte la philosophie des sciences française. ...
Reader's guide to the history of science
Printed book - Hessenbruch Arne, cop. 2000
La guerre des sciences
Printed book - Stengers Isabelle, 1996, cop. 1996
Sciences and cultures : anthropological and historical studies of the sciences
Printed book - Mendelsohn Everett, Elkana Yehúda, 1981
What is this thing called science?
Printed book - Chalmers Alan Francis, c1999