Optics in the age of Euler : conceptions of the nature of light, 1700-1795
Printed book - Hakfoort Casper, cop. 1995
Se former pour enseigner les mathématiques
Printed book - Dubois Colette, Fénichel Muriel, Pauvert Marcelle, 1992
Mamelles, appareil génital, gamétogenèse, fécondation, gestation
Printed book - Courrier Robert, 1969
Romanticism in science : science in Europe, 1790-1840
Printed book - Poggi Stefano, Van Straalen Berendina, Bossi Maurizio, 1994
Engaging science : how to understand its practices philosophically
Printed book - Rouse Joseph, 1996
Atlas de Flamsteed : images et légendes du ciel étoilé
Printed book - Le Boeuffle André, Flamsteed John, DL 1997