87187 results found

Longing for the harmonies : themes and variations from modern physics

Printed book - Wilczek Frank, Devine Betsy, 1989, c1987
physiqueharmonie (philosophie)aspect philosophique

The BP book of industrial archaeology

Printed book - Cossons Neil, British Petroleum Company, c1975
industrial archaeologyarcheologie industriellegrande-bretagne

Marta au pays des montgolfières

Printed book - Zullo Germano, Albertine, 2001

Miroir d'alchimie . Speculum Alchimie . Compositum de Compositis

Printed book - Bacon Roger, Albert le Grand, 1974

Essays in industry and technology in the Eighteenth century : England and France

Printed book - Harris John Raymond, cop. 1992
sciences et industrie18e siecletechnologietechniqueindustrieinnovationstransfert de technologietechnological innovations18th centurytechnology transferhistoire industriellefrancegrande-bretagne

Les confessions d'un primate : les coulisses d'une recherche sur le comportement animal

Printed book - Jouventin Pierre, DL 2001
ethologieecologie animaleanimauxethologie animaleprimatemanchotecoethologie
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